The Livonian place name catalogue is a compilation of place names in the Livonian language and has been prepared according to the Regulations Regarding Geographical Names Information1. This publi- cation expands on the Livonian place name database and geospatial place name data available at the Livonian language and culture resource platform Livonian.tech.
The Livonian place name catalogue and the associated Livonian place name database were devel- oped as part of the Fundamental and Applied Research Project “Documenting and Mapping Livonian Place Names and Creating an Official Place Name Register” (No. LZP-2019/1-0240). The members of the project working group were: Valts Ernštreits, Baiba Šuvcāne, Annija Lazdiņa, Marili Tomingas, Milda Kurpniece, Lolita Ozoliņa, Renāte Blumberga, and Māra Vīgerte. Gunta Kļava, Uldis Balodis and Justīne Bondare participated in preparing the catalogue.
The Livonian place name catalogue and database function as the official Livonian place name reg- ister. The standardised Livonian place name index included in this edition of the catalogue has been endorsed by the Latvian State Language Centre Livonian Language Expert Commission.