December 3.
The Latvian State research programme “Latvian language”.
On December 3, the University of Latvia signed an agreement with the Administration of Studies and Research regarding the implementation of the Latvian State research programme “Latvian language” (No. VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002, director Ina Druviete). The UL Livonian Institute is implementing the sub-activity “Livonian language”.
November 30.
Livonian Institute director Valts Ernštreits nominated for European of the Year in Latvia.
The title of “European of the Year in Latvia” has been awarded for 21 years in a row to the person who has done the most that year to popularise Latvia within Europe and likewise European values in Latvia. In 2018, UL Livonian Institute founder and director Valts Ernštreits was nominated for this honour.
Click here to read more.
The UNESCO conference at the Seto Institute (Estonia).
On 30 November 2018, UL Livonian Institute director Valts Ernštreits gave an address entitled “The Livonians on their way to UNESCO” (Lībieši ceļā uz UNESCO) at the UNESCO conference “Setomaa, Kihnumaa, Suitimaa and Liivimaa in UNESCO – united in uniqueness” (Setomaa, Kihnumaa, Suitimaa ja Liivimaa UNESCO’s ‒ omapära ühendab), which was organised by the Seto Institute in Värska, Estonia.

November 18.
The album “Jūrd-Saknes-Roots” is released by the choir “Anima”.
On 18 November 2018, the album “Jūrd-Saknes-Roots” featuring the music of the Vidzeme Livonians and their kindred nations was officially released in Saulkrasti by the choir “Anima”. UL Livonian Institute researchers Valts Ernštreits and Uldis Balodis participated in its development.

Latvia’s centenary morning in Kūolka.
Latvia celebrated the centenary of its statehood on 18 November 2018. That morning in Kūolka (Kolka) there were performances by the Kūolka Livonian ensemble “Laula” and the folk singing group “Burdons” (Rīga) as well as addresses by a representative of the Dundaga municipality, the head of Kūolka parish, and the director of the UL Livonian Institute in honour of Latvia’s centenary.
Click here to read more.
November 11.
The premiere of the film “Trillium” in Rīga.
The premiere of the Latvian Television film “Trillium” took place at the “Splendid Palace” cinema on 11 November 2018. The film is about UL Livonian Institute founder Valts Ernštreits.
Click here to read more.
November 8.
The Livonian Cultural Space has been added to the Latvian National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
On 8 November 2018, applications for inclusion in the Latvian National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage were reviewed by the Intangible Heritage Commission of the Latvian National Culture Centre. Eight applications were approved in 2018 and added to the Latvian National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Gauja River raftsmen’s trade craft; the northern Vidzeme tradition of weaving “double fabric” (dubultaudums) blankets using the “šatieris” pattern (in which monochromatic bands are woven with a characteristic colour gradient within each band); the Petersburg harmonica playing tradition; the zither-kokle playing tradition; the tradition of making bobbin lace; the Livonian cultural space; the Rucava cultural space; and the Upīte cultural space.
Click here to read more.
October 19–20.
The Sixth Annual Livonian Culture Days in Ventspils.
The sixth annual Livonian Culture Days took place in Ventspils on 19–20 October 2018 at the Ventspils International Writers’ and Translators’ House and the Ventspils Library. As part of the scientific lecture session “Livonica VI”, Livonian Institute director Valts Ernštreits spoke about translated Livonian placenames in Latvia, while Livonian Institute researcher Renāte Blumberga spoke about Livonian hairstyles, footwear, and clothing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
To read more about this event click here and for photographs from Livonian Culture Days 2018 click here.

September 22.
The UL Livonian Institute’s first expedition to Pizā.
The UL Livonian Institute’s first expedition to Pizā (Miķeļtornis) took place on September 22. The Institute visited Ēriks Kāpbergs, grandson of the “Livonian king” Uļi Kīnkamäg (Uldriķis Kāpbergs). Ēriks gifted the Institute fishing nets in the colours of the Livonian flag for display in the Institute’s offices in Rīga.

September 21.
The official opening of the UL Livonian Institute in the Great Hall of the University of Latvia.
The official opening of the Livonian Institute took place at the University of Latvia on 21 September 2018.
The addresses and congratulations delivered at the opening event; an article in the “Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences” (Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis); photographs from the Institute’s opening.

August 21.
The founding of the Livonian Institute.
On 21 August 2018 at the University of Latvia, the documents officially establishing the University of Latvia Livonian Institute were signed. The Institute was established as part of the University of Latvia Innovation Centre.
Click here to read more.